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Tabby / Tuxedo / Mixed (short coat) : : Male (neutered) : : Young : : Medium
rescued from BARC On euthansia list.
You know who Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer are, right? Well, I'm just as up for adventure as they were! Obviously, I love boxes, those circle-8 ball thingies, balls,and anything that needs to be investigated. It does take me awhile to warm up...my kittyhood was a little rough before Purr Paws Rescue. But I'm also looking forward to a forever home....more than you know and I'll eventually trust you and love you and be the best kitty ever! Hehe! Come see me at Petsmart! More about HuckleberryGood with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids
Other Pictures of Huckleberry (click to see larger version):